Courtney Loo

“My name's Courtney Loo and I'm a film director.”

If you could tell yourself a secret at the very beginning of your journey, what would it be?

“Looking back on my career, I could've never imagined how many people I met in passing who I'd go on to work with countless times & call close friends/family now. I'd tell myself to keep my eyes peeled & open myself up to as many experiences as possible.”

How has fashion connected to your artistry?

“One of my favorite parts of each project is the styling / costume design. It's something I'm innately drawn to since fashion is a big part of my personal life & identity. I love dressing up & having fun with what I wear.”

What's your favorite item in your closet? (it can be anything from clothing to accessories, heirlooms or shoes! really anything!)

“My grandma's jade heart necklace.”

How do you feel when wearing your favorite item (above)?

“Happy & chic. I love thinking about what my grandma was doing when she was in her 20s wearing this necklace.”

Do you have a special piece you like to wear while creating?

“My black crossbody bag. It's small - so good for being on the move on set - and also has pockets to keep my shot list & glasses on me at all times :)”

How do you feel once you've completed or finished a creation?

“There's no better feeling than the moment you wrap a long shoot & can take a deep breath. Entertainment has the highest highs & the lowest lows, but thee highs always make it worth it.”

What was the last song you played?

“ "Slide" H.E.R. & YG ”
